Saturday, June 4, 2011

Overcast and Warm

A good day for getting a few things done--mostly overcast with a kind of a haze.  The sun would come out and I'd realize that it really was a hot day, and then the haze would reassert itself, and it was bearable again.

I got a second bed of peppers planted and figured out how to deal with the lack of milk jugs.  I put a thick layer of lightweight, dry hay over the bed that had the peppers covered with jugs.  Using the jugs, I shaped a shelter around each plant, and then removed each jug and put it over a plant in the new bed. So the plants have shelter from the wind, but not, unfortunately, from the heat.  The forecast is for 99 degrees on Monday.

And here I am planting peppers that the guide says do best at 70-80 degree ranges.  Oh, well.

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