In lieu of a memory, and any decent record-keeping, this has GOT to be the most practical, useful, and (dare I hope) powerful way to keep track of what happens out in my garden from year to year. Surely I (we) can do better here than my beat-up pieces of graph paper with fuzzy notations in faded pencil.
So, what's in the garden today? No. 3 Son picked two ice cream buckets of snap beans, both green and yellow, from the bush beans plants I planted in midsummer.
D.T. picked 4 gal. of roma tomatoes and I picked 5 gal. of misc. heirlooms.
The Lazy Housewife pole beans (see above in June), with which I have a special affinity, are still producing, but most of them are going to the chickens because we find them too late. Next year, different location. Their current look is in the picture at the top (which I can't get to move!), showing that morning glories were allowed to overshadow these beans. Actually, the picture doesn't show you just how lovely the flowers got, because I've been pulling them down and feeding them to the chickens.
A cup or so of raspberries came out of the garden today, as well as more watermelons. No. 4 Son has harvested many many watermelons and canteloupes this season. We're still eating them.
Last weekend I pulled the last of the beets and made 4 qts. of beet/cabbage/horseradish relish. The beets I planted in midsummer never came up.
Today I canned 9 qts. of tomato sauce from the 10 gal. of fruit that came in last weekend. Tonight the pot is started cooking down the 9 gal. from today. P.S. Those 9 gal. cooked down to 12 quarts of sauce because of the high number of romas. More romas next year.
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